Circle of Security Informed Program
Circle of Security forms the framework for resilient relationships. It guides our ability to be the "Hands" for caregivers and children throughout the process of nurturing disorganized relationships into secure ones. Through targeted shared experiences, highly repetitive guided practice and re-discovering joy with one another, we have an opportunity to walk forward together into a holistic healing relationship. We are thankful to our hands; Dr. Bob Marvin, his partners at the Mary Ainsworth Clinic and the Circle of Security Network and Nicole Milliren, Infinity Training & Consulting; for their guidance and partnership with our Coulee team as we continue to develop and refine our Circle of Security informed practice.
- Coulee Connections Organization
"The Circle of Security-Informed program at Coulee Connections is a powerful and successful application of the Circle of Security framework, applied to an alternative educational setting and after-school supports for Special Needs children, their parents and their communities. It is essentially a revolutionary, integrative approach that promises real and stable change through community and residential programs that too often serve largely as long-term respite care without lasting change."
- Bob Marvin, PhD., Director, The Circle of Security Network